The next generation of
human <> machine interaction

Let them do their job. Focus on yours.

2501® is a strategic research initiative focused on
Autonomous AI computer systems

Autonomous AI systems

Almost anything modern society interacts with relies on computing somehow. But since the 1960s, nothing has changed: machines still need us to instruct them with complex code in order to function. Technology was meant to save time. Time is still lost.

Your AI companion
in your Mac, in your Shell, everywhere.

2501 brings AI directly to your desktop, connected to your computer.
No more manual workflows, just sync a workspace and godspeed.

Right model, right time, right task

The number of AI models worldwide ranges from thousands to tens of thousands; each has its own unique strengths. Backed by rigorous university research, we created the architecture that combines the best agents to match your tasks and achieve optimal results.

Advanced Chain-of-Thoughts

2501's tailor-made architecture features advanced "Chain of Thoughts" prompting, powered by a native feedback loop between models deployed on a task execution.

Our agents can perform complex reasoning. They learn from failure (not only on a theoretical layer), try again, and adjust behavior to achieve properly each subtask.


No matter the plan you choose, we offer a free trials so you can test 2501.
Have a look into it now :
$9.90 per month
Start 3 days free trial
  • 30 tasks* ~ 2m tokens per month
  • Desktop App
  • Command Line Interface
  • Automation Mode
$29.90 per month
Start 7 days free trial
  • Unlimited tasks*
  • Desktop App
  • Command Line Interface
  • Automation Mode
  • Access to our private Discord
  • Scheduled automations coming soon
Contact us
Tell us your need >
  • Multiple seats discounts
  • Bring your knowledge
  • On-premise Models
  • Private Slack channel
  • 24h SLA
  • Dedicated Account Manager

* a task represents a full run of our agent orchestration including feedback loops until full completion.

The Problem

AI models are never a one-size-fits-all. Some are good at one thing, others at another. But combined, they can double-check eachother, and become great at everything.
Low accuracy, no autonomy
  • Unstable accuracy / hallucinations
  • Mono-model
  • Complex setups
  • Cannot act
  • No automations
  • Expensive (20$ to 60$ per million tokens)
Using 2501
Orchestration of models, full autonomy
  • State of the art accuracy
  • Multiple models working for you
  • No OpenAI or Anthropic API key needed
  • Full autonomy
  • Scheduled automations coming soon
  • Cost optimised (9$ to 30$ all inclusive)

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